Plot Summary:The sudden death of their son prompts the couple to shut themselves up in their own worlds. The mother begins to spend more and more time feeding the stray cats on the street while the father pretends that nothing is wrong. Eight years after the incident, their daughter comes home, forcing the family to face their pain again.
改编自小说家安石榴的同名短篇作品,曾英庭执导。 故事讲述一个不善表达情感的家庭,在儿子突然骤世后,女儿搬到外面租屋,父亲始终和颜悦色,而母亲开始在街头喂食流浪猫,让猫成为内心的支柱与动力。八年后的团圆,3人要如何走出伤痛...