Plot Summary:Ignacio Agüero fashions a documentary that manages to encompass his family and national history, Chile's economic problems, identity, and nature via the most low-key of approaches: the film is shot primarily inside his home and through a door that leads to the street, establishing a clear line between the self and the world. Beautifully photographed, this impressive work locates the profound through family heirlooms and encounters with strangers who come knocking.
在智利圣地亚哥的一处房子里,观众随着导演微妙的、美丽的镜头走近一个家庭,听他们讲述家庭的回忆。拍摄过程中偶尔会有客人来,按门铃并打断他们的谈话,但是我们的导演Ignacio Agüero对这些客人也很感兴趣,跟他们一起聊天,并记录他们的日常生活。此片中导演诗意地将圣地亚哥街景与他们的谈话相结合,家庭史与智利的现代生活相交叉,人们的工作和生活相交融……导演Ignacio Agüero的作品《One Hundred Children Waiting For a Train》曾参展1989山形国际纪录片电影节及《Dreams of Ice》曾参展1993山形国际纪录片电影节。