Beyond the Pecos(1945)


主演:罗德·卡梅隆 福兹·奈特 艾迪·朱 Jennifer Holt 雷·惠特利 Gene Roth 罗伯特·霍曼斯 Jack Ingram 

导演:兰伯特·希利尔 / 

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Beyond the Pecos:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Oil is discovered on the ranch lands causing the dormant Remington-Randall feud to break out again. Lew Remington returns home to find himself embroiled in the struggle. The Randall faction is represented by Bob Randall, who is the unwitting tool of John Heydrick and his henchmen who have a vested interest in and gains to be made if the feud continues . Both Bob and Lew are in love with Ellen Tanner who tries to warn both men that they should work together to save the Pecos country from the crooks.
