
又名:Keyboard Warriors


主演:邓丽欣 陈凯琳 林耀声 游学修 邓月平 陈嘉莉 陈敏之 何启华 刘浩良 胡耀辉 伍倩彤 陈庭欣 许博文 潘杰宁 王迪诗 罗雅菲 陈观泰 陈洁玲 赵善恒 吴汉邦 吴兆麟 谭杏蓝 陈彼得 黄家慰 黃思迦 

导演:薛可正 / 





Plot Summary:Suitcases of cash fall out of an armored car onto the busy streets, and people go crazy picking it up. Typical loner Jay Kwan \"Sing Lam\" and his buddy Ang Ray \"Neo Yau\" are both witnesses, and they're curious about the incident. They then call up a 'search team' on Golden Forum to look into it. Golden Forum Goddess \"Larine Tang\" is attracted and joins them. Policewoman Nancy O \"Stephy Tang\", the money-minded girl Mandy O \"Grace Chan's\" sister, is the only one there to guard the money that day even if she's off duty, and is regarded as a heroine. She's therefore asked to join the investigation to the case. Police believe that it's an accident, and it's difficult to get all the money back, so the investigation should stop. But as the 'search team' keep digging, they realize that there's more than meets the eye.
途徑鬧市的解款車錢箱跌出馬路,吸引市民瘋狂執錢。典型毒男關正傑(林耀聲 飾)及其好友雷安明(游學修 飾 )案發當日身在現場,卻無份執錢,對事件產生好奇。因此在高登討論區成立「起底組」,主動調查解款車事件,更吸引高登女神Jun(鄧月平 飾)加入。與拜金妹妹柯梓盈(陳凱琳 飾)相依為命的休班O記女警員柯梓楠(鄧麗欣 飾),因獨力守護錢箱成為警隊英雌,更被安排加入「解款車跌錢案」的調查小隊。 警方相信案件純屬意外及難以尋回所有失鈔,決定解散調查小隊,但起底組調查下去,發現事件表面看似一單普通意外,原來大有陰謀!
