Fugitive Lovers(1975)


主演:Steve Oliver 弗吉尼亚·梅奥 

导演:John Carr / 

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Fugitive Lovers:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Making his morning rounds in a Bel Air neighborhood, swimming pool cleaner Blue Schuyler is startled by the sight of a lovely young woman floating, lifeless, under the water. He jumps in, boots and all, hauling her out of the pool and reviving her. She is Tara, unhappily married to Harris Alexander, a powerful state capital lobbyist. She has tried to end it all by gulping down pills and attempting to drown herself. Blue feeds her hot soup and encouraging words. To cheer her up, he takes her for a ride in his truck. Later, they go to a country nightclub where he performs a guest-shot singing gig. She never returns home, happy to be with him. Aware of her flight, Harris sends his henchmen to \"convince\" her to return. Leaving his truck to be repaired, Blue and Tara take off on his motorcycle. Learning their whereabouts, Harris has drugs planted in Tara's purse. Narcotics officers raid the couple's resort hotel room. Tara is arrested. Blue escapes, seeking aid from Tara's friend, former movie queen Liz Trent. Harris has Tara released from jail on her promise to be a wife again in exchange for Blue's life. In a bare-handed brawl at a rain-swept airport, Blue rescues her from her \"escorts\" and the two escape.
