Таёжная повесть(1979)

又名:Tayozhnaya povest / A Taiga Story


主演:Evgeniy Kindinov 米哈伊尔·科诺诺夫 Svetlana Smekhnova 

导演:弗拉基米尔·费金 / 

Таёжная повесть:在线播放

Таёжная повесть:最新迅雷BT资源

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Таёжная повесть:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The taiga hunter Akim reminding the monk-hermit unexpectedly finds in own winter quarters the dying girl who was taken with himself by \"the free person\" and the finished Gog's lady's man and itself the tsar fish hasn't passed tests. Semiliterate Akim shows sharpness miracles to save the uninvited guest from death.
