Plot Summary:Blue (Andrew Tiernan) and Yebsum (Michael Socha), a pair of local villains, get ready for what looks like a routine rural break in at a farmhouse. Blue is visibly irritated by his inept accomplice who is full of big talk. During the break in things go wrong to the point when Yebsum is shot dead at point blank range by the elderly farmer. Blue is now apparently at the mercy of the farmer and his wife. A process then occurs in which Blue is able to change direction in his life and settle down to working the farm in the role of \"son\" and heir apparent to the holding and its living - pig farming - thereby rendering security to the aged couple. There are echoes of redemption in this story similar to the start of Les Miserables. What makes the story semi plausible is the taut spareness of the acting, which is superb throughout, and dialogue offering an intense and unusual small screen drama. Both Socha and especially Tiernan offer early performances which give a taste of their later successful acting careers.