Plot Summary:historical turmoil between Taiwan and Mainland China, Shin-ye's family refuses to let ZHAO marry her. As Shin-ye's pregnancy comes to light, ZHAO's parents travel to Taiwan to salvage the situation. The two cultures clash, culminating in many hilarious moments of fiery confrontation. Just when all hope seems lost, the two families' grandfathers seem to find common ground for them all.
《跨海跳探戈》(It Takes two to Tango)是“台湾新电影”知名导演万仁重返大银幕的新作。透过新世代男女的跨海爱情故事,延伸至上一辈歧异的两岸意识形态,片中充满擦枪走火的劲辣交锋,最后还牵扯出当年都参与过国共内战的双方祖父,让这场婚姻大事有了出人意表的结局。两岸三代到底是针锋相对,还是笑泯恩仇,在本片出现不同以往的观点。