Ein Sommer auf Sizilien(2016)

又名:A Summer In Sicily


主演:亨丽埃特·李赫特-罗赫 斯凯·杜·蒙特 Daniel Hoevels 乔治·卢帕诺 Julia Nachtmann 米尔科·朗 艾米利奥·德·马奇 Claudio Caiolo Manfred-Anton Algrang Patrick Khatami Valentina Ferrante 

导演:Michael Keusch / 

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Ein Sommer auf Sizilien:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Major German wine merchant checks up, with his romantic side agenda, on his oenologist Sandra in Sicily where she must find him an extraordinary claret, preferably from a local grape varietal. She refuses to 'settle for' the \"nero d'avola\" presented by local wine tycoon Vincent, but after running from his 'excessive flirting' after dinner accidentally finds in a grocery shop the right stuff, In Vino, alas without clues to the supplier. Stumbling upon a beached-up man, whom she brings to hospital as \"Robinson\" Sandra gets a crush on the amnesiac mystery compatriot and meets local commissioner Velani, who suspects an illegal refugee or crook but wants to help defeat crooked Vincenzo, thus provides tips where to look for the winemaker. He turns out to be Vincenzo's old neighbor and hereditary feud rival Ludovico Veritas, whom he sabotages by bribing the waterworks. She hesitates to tell Robinson he's identified as family father Bruno Haller until her brother Jens Brinkmann, whim she invited for a holiday with high-pregnant wife Alma, kicks her a conscience. All may still work out 'the Italian way'.
