少女孕事Niña mamá(2019)




导演:Andrea Testa / 





Plot Summary:In shades of gray, the calm, static shots show young female visitors to a public hospital in Argentina. This is the place where teenage girls have to make a decision about the new life growing inside them. A few of them have, at a very young age indeed, already had children. For others, the idea of a future as a mother is new and terrifying. In many cases, though, having an abortion isn't a decision to be taken for granted. Some of the girls have learned from childhood that getting pregnant is your own fault, and you have to accept the consequences. What they know about abortion comes from horror stories of clandestine practices in backstreet clinics. The hospital gynecologists and other staff, who can be heard but not seen, ask the girls about their well-being, their relationship, their family ties, and how they see the future-with or without a child. In these intimate and non-judgmental conversations, the girls respond with powerful candor in their most vulnerable moments.
阿根廷女性爭取墮胎權的社會運動歷時逾30多年,終於在2020年底迎來勝利,劃下性別平權里程碑。時間倒轉一年,在墮胎尚未合法化之際,導演與劇組前往布宜諾斯艾利斯郊區,拍攝公共醫院的日常情境。   在沉穩靜止的鏡頭下,懷有身孕的青少女、未成年女性在醫生、護士、社工面前侃侃而談。當中有不少人家裡已有孩子,也有人第一次面對母職。令人心碎動容的談話內容,逐一開展出女孩們對於墮胎的看法、周遭親友的反應,以及對未來的計畫與渴望。想像著有了小孩,或沒有小孩,踏出醫院後的第一天會是什麼情景?透過一個個真實故事,導演試圖探詢在國家主導的結構性暴力下,小媽媽們是否仍有自主抉擇權的可能性,也更加突顯隔年迎來的勝利成果有麼迫切與珍貴。
