Uptake Fear(2015)

又名:A Percepção do Medo


主演:里卡多·盖利 Felipe Folgosi Greta Antoine Patricia Rochael Elder Fraga Paulo Leite Mariana Hein Samyr Aissami Cláudia Borba Magnum Borini Pomba Cláudia Billy Deeter Thiago Facó Nikole Lima Lígia Marina 

导演:Armando Fonseca / 

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Uptake Fear:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Understanding the internal terrors of those who live in cities exposing their terrors. The existential crisis, the constant pressure from many fears. An incident awakens something dark in Marcus (Ricardo Gelli). He becomes a man with a mission, determined to set right all the injustice done to him. But once the blood starts flowing, there's no going back. The construction of a psychopath that explores ways to control his fears and longings, but ends up confronting a dark side of the being.
