日本狗Câinele Japonez(2013)

又名:Japanese Dog


主演:维克托·雷本久克 Serban Pavlu Ioana Abur 

导演:Tudor Cristian Jurgiu / 





Plot Summary:When a flood strikes Costache's village in Romania, his wife Maria and all of their possessions are swept away. Now in a village shelter, Costache refuses to sell his land and move onward. He has plans to re-build and refuses help and advice from his neighbors. The village is all he has left, except for an estranged son now living in Tokyo. But when his son Ticu hears of his mother's death and father's plight, he arrives unexpectedly with his Japanese wife and son to bring Costache back home with him. This will not be simple. Ticu fled Romania with many issues left unresolved, the biggest being his relationship with his father. Now there is a whole new family for Costache to deal with, old scores to settle, and painful goodbyes to say.
老人摩尔多在洪灾中失去了妻子房子及积蓄。多年未见的儿子闻讯后携妻带子从日本赶回参加葬礼。第一次见到日本儿媳和七岁的孙子,沉默寡言的摩尔多该如何与他们交流呢?   《日本狗》是导演图多尔·儒尔玖的首部长片,主要关注人与人及环境的交流。本片提名2014年罗马尼亚戈波奖最佳影片等8个奖项,最后维克托·雷本久克获得最佳男主角奖。《日本狗》是罗马尼亚选送的第30部"申奥片",之前《四月三周两天》《无医可靠》《孩童姿势》等29部片没有一部获得奥斯卡外语片提名。
