
主演:李美淑 刘承范 徐媛 

导演:姜蒋秀 / 





Plot Summary:Gyeong Min is a director at the Human, a corporate image consulting firm. The most important things in her life are work, her daughter Jeong Ah, and her high school friend Eun Seok. As a caring mother to Jeong Ah, she changes her mind to remarry after her daughter, Jeong Ah, shows disapproval of her new suitor. She has a few simple dreams in her life. She wants Jeong Ah to move out and become independent when she becomes 20 years old. And then she wants to take time out from work to study at night school. But then Young Woo appears in her life, and pursue her into dating him.
一年进行一次自行车资助旅行的永宇和哥哥永哲。一同到济州岛旅行,不料中途遇到雷阵雨只好到一处别墅躲雨,并在此与曹敬雯相遇。   永宇对敬雯留下了深刻的印象,一年后永宇、永哲和青梅竹马的真莹一起前往济州岛旅行,永宇起个大早准备乘游艇出海却在此再次巧遇敬雯两人在小岛度过了短暂而愉快的时光,永宇发现自己对敬雯的好感,因此临走前轻吻敬雯手背,并留下了电话号码......   永宇为了发挥留学德国的专长,而进入好友真莹所任职的企业形象顾问公司,并第三度和敬雯重逢.....   P.S.: 李美淑、刘承范因一次偶然相遇,两人结下了解不开的情丝......跨越10多年的年龄差距,两人的爱情是否有结果??
