Plot Summary:On Porky Pig's farm, Miss Prissy, a slow-witted hen, has never laid an egg. So, one of her fellow hens paints Prissy's name on an egg and places it in Prissy's nest. Prissy believes she laid the egg and proudly refuses to let Porky have it to give to a market's truck. Porky takes the egg from her and gives it to the driver of the truck. Prissy follows the truck to a nearby city, determined to regain her egg. She grabs it from a woman in a house and flees. Convinced she's being chased by police, Prissy takes refuge in a run-down building where Pretty Boy Bagel, an escaped criminal, is also hiding out.
远离市中心的郊外,快乐的猪小弟经营着一家名为哈蒙德的鸡场,他每天早晨都唱着快乐的歌曲前往鸡舍取鸡蛋。鸡舍里面住着几个性格各异的母鸡,其中一只瘦弱的白母鸡普丽丝始终没有下蛋,她遭到猪小弟的训斥和同伴们的嘲笑。同伴们商议一番,决定下个蛋偷偷塞到普丽丝的窝里看她的笑话。普丽丝信以为真,兴奋地向伙伴们和猪小弟通报这一消息。然而在猪小弟眼里那不过是一个商品,他粗暴地夺过鸡蛋送到卡车上。惊慌失措的普丽丝一路追赶来到城市,千辛万苦总算找到她的蛋,随后夺路而逃。 与此同时,城中的警方正在通缉一个强盗。普丽丝无意中跑进了强盗的房间……