Army Wives(1944)



导演:菲尔·罗森 / 

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Plot Summary:When Jerry Van Dyke, a young debutante, decides to marry Barney, an Army corporal, whom she met at a USO dance, her family objects and consequently, the couple are unable to obtain a marriage license because Jerry doesn't come of age for four days. When Barney leaves for camp in Kentucky, Jerry follows him there with Louise, the young Army bride of Mike, one of the soldiers in Barney's unit. At the bus station, Jerry is befriended by Mrs. Shannahan and her brood of six children, who are on their way to see her husband, Sgt. Shannahan. In Kentucky, Barney meets Jerry at the bus station, but they are still unable to get married because Barney's outfit is leaving in five minutes on maneuvers. When Barney's unit finally returns from maneuvers, Jerry and Barney's marriage is once again thwarted because Barney must leave for Chicago immediately and from there, he is to board a train bound for the West coast. Jerry promises to meet him there, and with the help of Mrs. Lowry, the general's wife, she obtains a plane ticket to Chicago. In Chicago, Jerry meets Barney between trains. Mrs. Lowry has arranged for a minister to be in the cab, and the young couple are married en route to another train station, from which Barney is to catch his troop train to the coast. When he misses the train, the general kindly gives the newlyweds tickets on a faster train, so that he can meet his company when the troop train arrives there. The couple board their train, and look forward to their one night together before Barney is shipped overseas.
