
又名:Susanna Tamaro Unplugged


主演:Roberta Mazzoni Vicki Satlow Lorenzo Tamaro 

导演:Katia Bernardi / 





Plot Summary:One of the most widely read Italian writers of all time, author of Va' dove ti porta il cuore (Go where your heart takes you), a publishing case with 18 million copies sold worldwide. A successful woman but far from successful, 30 years of career marked by an invisible syndrome that had never been diagnosed until four years ago: Asperger's syndrome. An intimate and light-hearted tale, a little over the top, of a woman who for the first time has decided to show herself without armour. A physical and symbolic journey into the secret places and creative world of Susanna Tamaro. A poetic and visionary portrait of an exceptional woman.
One of the most widely read Italian writers of all time, 30 years of her career marked by Asperger's syndrome. An intimate account of Susanna Tamaro, who for the first time decided to reveal herself without any mask.
