Certifiée Halal(2014)

又名:Certified Halal


主演:阿弗西娅·埃尔奇 Smaïn Mourade Zeguendi 娜迪亚·空达 Fatima Hellilou Abdelhamid Gouri Omar Taïri Lamri Kaouane Chaba Yasmina Jicey Carina 

导演:穆罕默德·赞莫利 / 

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Certifiée Halal:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In a remote farm in the Maghreb, Hajj Achour is about to give his daughter Sultana of the cadet Laroubi. Everything goes wonderful, except for one detail: the carburetor R12 family, part of trousseau, is defective. After much procrastination, dowry exchange hands promise to deliver the room before consummation of marriage. In France, Kenza young scandal in his city. Activist of the association \"Ni Ni Hens Subject \", it testifies to JT on TF1 gender inequality and the upsurge in virginity certificates. His brother Cherif, humiliated, calls his cousin Aziz arrange the marriage of his sister back home. Atallah, a rich poulterer, fond of Youth Blank is a ready party ... Chérif Kenza drug GHB diluted in water bottle holy water to deceive the pious Mabrouka which will be responsible for its oversight. This is without relying on the unpredictable effects of drugs. Kenza, veiled from head to feet found embedded in a Mercedes Bridal and crosses the wedding route Sultana. This is where the trouble begins.
