The Tragical Tale of a Belated Letter(1903)


主演:希塞尔·海普华斯 希塞尔·海普华斯 

导演:Percy Stow / 

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The Tragical Tale of a Belated Letter:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:This film tells the pathetic story of an aged man who becomes despondent when disappointed in his efforts to secure employment. He leaves a letter on a table telling his wife that he has left the home to commit suicide. Almost simultaneously with the finding of this letter the wife receives from a postman a letter sent to her husband, notifying him that his application for a position has been granted. The wife, with feelings of mingled fear, distress, and joy, hastens in pursuit of her husband. The latter has already reached a bridge spanning a river and has plunged into the water, but several rescuers are at hand and plunge in after him. As the husband is brought from the water in an almost exhausted condition the wife is at the river bank to receive him, and breaks to him the news contained in the letter the postman left, the whole making a very affecting scene.
