Manos sucias(1957)


主演:阿梅德奥·纳扎里 利迪娅·阿方西 Katia Loritz 弗朗西斯科·皮格尔 翁贝托·斯帕达罗 玛莉亚·马丁 Carles Lloret Jesús Colomer Carlos Ronda 路易斯·因杜尼 

导演:何塞·安东尼奥·德拉·洛马 / 马塞洛·巴尔迪 / 

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Manos sucias:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Miguel is a truck driver who dreams of owning a service station. To raise money he agrees to sabotage a truck of his boss' rival, which results in the death of its driver. Miguel gets his station but is haunted by what he did to obtain it.
