

主演:Roland Pontinen Christiane Libor Katerina Hebelkova David Adorjan 

导演:扬·施密特-加尔 / 





Plot Summary:To celebrate the occasion of his 200th birthday on March 1 2010, this film shows little known facets of Frédéric Chopin: the passionate opera fan, the admirer of the great female singers of his time, the advocate of the aesthetics of bel canto - the art of beautiful singing accompanied on the piano. For Chopin the opera represents the highest form of art, even though he never thought about writing for the stage himself. His contemporaries Bellini, Donizetti and Rossini meant more to him than Beethoven, Liszt or Schumann. At the castle of Chopin's beloved George Sand in Nohant, two singers, a pianist and an actress meet with the most knowledgeable contemporary experts on Chopin and bel canto. For a whole week in late autumn, they delve into Chopin's opera experiences: his admiration for the great bel canto singer Giuditta Pasta, his friendship with Vincenzo Bellini and his relationship with Maria Malibran, who, as pianist and composer, worked on Chopin's Mazurka's for voice and piano.
该纪录片探索了肖邦音乐和同时代美声歌剧大师的关系,肖邦虽然未写过歌剧,但典型的肖邦旋律深受Bel conto美声咏叹调的影响,Jan Schmidt-Garre邀请钢琴家Roland Pontinen,大提琴家David Adorjan和两位声乐艺术家合作,表现肖邦音乐中“歌剧”的一面。
