
主演:永作博美 市原隼人 大仓孝二 臼田麻美 藤本泉 甲本雅裕 金田明夫 北村总一朗 杉本哲太 田中哲司 

导演:村上牧人 / 





Plot Summary:In Akabane, Tokyo, an old person, who lived alone, is found dead. The elderly person was strangled to death. Detectives from the Akabane Police Station investigate the case. According to the victim's neighbors, a woman sometimes came in and out of the victim's home. That woman is Miki Yamamoto. She does housework for her customers. The detectives from Akabane Police Station visit Miki's house. At that time, other detectives from Saitama Prefecture also arrive at Miki's house. Multiple suspicious death cases have taken place at her prior clients' homes. The media begin covering the story as a serial killer case. Who is Miki Yamamoto? What is the truth behind the cases?
高见泽弘志(市原隼人 饰)的恋人美纪(永作博美 饰)无故失踪,音信全无,这让十分爱美纪的弘志陷入了绝望之中。这么长时间以来,他一直坚定着美纪依然活着的信念,并且从来就没有放弃过寻找她的希望。   一起谋杀案让美纪的身影从迷雾中浮现了出来,只是,在这起案件中,美纪扮演着嫌疑人的角色。伊室真治(杉本哲太 饰)和西村敦子(臼田麻美 饰)是负责调查此案的警察,随着案情的深入,他们发现美纪隐藏了不为人知的秘密。为了帮助美纪摆脱囹圄,弘志找到了律师矢田部完(田中哲司 饰),两人联手寻找事件的真相。美纪的案子终于开庭审理了,在庭上,美纪的诡异表现让弘志开始怀疑,她是否仍然是从前他认识的那个单纯天真的女孩。
