Le Flambeau, les aventuriers de Chupacabra(2022)

主演:乔纳森·科恩 杰罗姆·芒德尔 乔纳森·朗贝尔 娜塔莎·兰丁格尔 凯德·麦拉德 莱拉·贝蒂 Laura Felpin Mister V 托马斯·西梅卡 Gérard Darmon 阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯 热拉尔丁·纳卡什 


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Le Flambeau, les aventuriers de Chupacabra:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Marc sets out again on an adventure on a desert island: Chupacabra. Alongside former contenders and new candidates, he will have to face the mental manipulations, the physical tests and the betrayals of his teammates.
