Zena u Ljubicastom(2009)

又名:Woman in Purple


主演:Haris Begic Alen Muratovic Aleksandar Seksan 

导演:伊戈尔·德尔利亚恰 / 

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Zena u Ljubicastom:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Mirza, a young Sarajevo orphan, earns easy money by assisting a local drug dealer. Dispatched on a job one day, a chance encounter makes him painfully aware of his despicable role - but equally of the possibility of changing things for the better.
A young Sarajevo boy is faced with the prospect of earning easy money. When he is confronted with some of the consequences of the trade he is joining, he is forced to make a decision to either continue or to choose a different path.
