Plot Summary:In conjunction with NBA's 75th Anniversary, Hall of Famer Charles Barkley hosts a documentary film that reframes the classic debate about basketball's greatest of all time, by redefining the very concept of greatness. This is Barkley's love letter to his NBA heroes past and present. It consists of six profiles, each centered on one of Barkley's greatest players, by decade, woven together by a round table where Charles and his esteemed guests dive deep into the reasons these players have had such a profound impact. The players' contributions will be measured by their off-the-court accomplishments alongside their on-court heroics.
恰逢 NBA 75 周年,名人堂成员查尔斯·巴克利 (Charles Barkley) 主持了一部纪录片,通过重新定义伟大的概念,重新定义了关于篮球史上最伟大球员的辩论。 这是巴克利写给他过去和现在的NBA英雄的情书。 它由六个简介组成,每一个都以巴克利最伟大的球员之一为中心,十年来,由一张圆桌编织在一起,查尔斯和他的尊贵客人在圆桌会议上深入探讨了这些球员产生如此深远影响的原因。 球员的贡献将通过他们在场外的成就以及他们在场上的英勇表现来衡量。