
又名:The Land

上映日期:2022-10-04(拉脱维亚) / 2022-11-10(阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片节)片长:108分钟


导演:Ivars Seleckis / 





Plot Summary:Through six very different families, documentary \"The Land\" shows the variety of the countryside in the 21st century, the contradictions of the countryside living as well as illusions about farmer's life. There are various reasons why our protagonists chose to live in the homesteads, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Some were done with spending too much time in an office, traffic and living a virtual life, they wanted real, tangible things. Some have moved to countryside by their own choice, but some by predisposition of their families. But what unites them all - they aspire for the stability provided by their own land and house. Together with our protagonists, we will spend one year's cycle of farmer's life, that will start with the spring sowing and finish with the autumn harvest and land preparation for the next year. These individual stories will draw the landscape of the 21st century countryside.
