Mauvaise Mère(2020)

又名:A Fragile Bond


主演:芭芭拉·舒尔茨 蒂埃里·戈达尔 Jessyrielle Massengo 索菲·布雷耶 Luce Mouchel 帕西 Isabelle Goethals Carre Caroline Cesaro Anne Conti Isabelle Côte Willems Cypriane Gardin Julia Garnier David Lacomblez Daniel Njo Lobé Florence Masure 

导演:Adeline Darraux / 

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Mauvaise Mère:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Mina was adopted from Ethiopia by Judith and Lionel, a married couple who already were the parents of a biological daughter. Though she was abandoned by her mother as a baby, it didn't really seem to have much of an impact on her. But when Mina turns thirteen, an identity crisis takes a hold of the girl. She is caught between two worlds - and feels nowhere at home. Mina snaps and descends into a destructive downwards spiral. Jealous of her non-adopted sister, she starts acting out, pitting her father and mother against each other and thereby dividing the entire family. Judith and Lionel don't know what to do. Will their parental love and kindness be enough to heal Mina's wounds?
