恶魔的忏悔:失落的艾希曼录音带The Lost Eichmann Tapes(2022)


导演:Yariv Mozer / 





Plot Summary:A few weeks before the opening of the Eichmann trial, transcripts of recorded conversations that Adolf Eichmann had had with a Dutch Nazi journalist, Willem Sassen, were mysteriously handed over to prosecutor Gideon Hausner. The conversations were held a few years before Eichmann was brought to Israel by the Mossad. During the trial, Eichmann tried to convince the judges that he was only a bureaucrat who carried out orders, but in the transcripts Eichmann was found boasting and proud of his significant role in planning and executing the Final Solution. For the first time, we will confront Eichmann with himself in full color, revealing the hidden factors and motives that succeeded in hiding these recordings.
在艾希曼审判开始前几周,阿道夫-艾希曼与荷兰纳粹记者威廉-萨森(Willem Sassen)的谈话录音副本被神秘地交给了检察官吉迪恩-豪斯纳。这些谈话是在艾希曼被摩萨德带到以色列的几年前进行的。在审判期间,艾希曼试图说服法官,他只是一个执行命令的官僚,但在笔录中,艾希曼被发现对他在计划和执行 "最终解决方案 "中的重要作用进行吹嘘和自豪。我们将首次与艾希曼进行全色的自我对抗,揭示成功隐藏这些录音的隐藏因素和动机。
