Plot Summary:The 'Company' was destroyed by the fearless operation organized by the unnamed heroes of the National Intelligence Agency. This development activates the terror state ambitions that the deep dark structure has been planning insidiously for years. Learning that this organization has taken action to establish a terrorist state on legitimate grounds, the Organization initiates an operation to prevent this. A young and fearless member of the organization, Ömer, is devoted to this death mission, but before this difficult mission, he will experience a great event that will leave him deep wounds throughout his life. On the other hand, Zehra is trying to build a new life with her daughter Yagmur after her great pain. But her past has no intention of letting her go. Zehra, who blames herself for the destruction experienced by the team, sets out on a path independent of intelligence, at the expense of her life. This path will leave him on the verge of a critical choice as he compares to his past.