不信任投票Wotum nieufnosci(2022)


主演:卡塔尔齐娜·达布罗斯卡 索非娅·维赫瓦奇 赖塞科·利希塔 安东尼·帕利基 西泽瑞·鲁卡斯瑟维克茨 格热戈日·马莱基 安娜·普洛克尼亚克 

导演:卢卡斯·帕勒科斯基 / 





Plot Summary:Following the resignation of the President of the Republic of Poland, Sejm Marshal Daria Seyda hopes to take his place. Daria's main opponent in the fight for the presidency is Patryk Hauer - the rising star of the right. He cares about his image in the media and his position in the party. Milena's wife supports him in all his professional endeavors. During the work of the investigative commission, Hauer discovers a political conspiracy involving the most important people in power. Seyda and Hauer are on opposite sides of the political scene. They share everything, but they share the same goal - to discover and reveal who is behind the conspiracy.
