Déformations professionnelles(2003)


主演:马丁·拉罗什 朱莉·勒布勒东 François Létourneau Anick Lemay Paul Cagelet Laurent-Christophe De Ruelle Michel-André Cardin David Savard Jacques Drolet Juda Rita Bibeau 伯纳德·卡里兹 

导演:Jean-François Asselin / 

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Déformations professionnelles:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:As he prepares for his encounter with a new flame, a young man queries about how he will present himself. Suddenly, he is surrounded by embodiments of his different personality facets.
As he prepares for his encounter with a new flame, a young man queries about how he will present himself. Suddenly, he is surrounded by embodiments of his different personality facets.
