



Plot Summary:In the course of investigating the murder of his boss, Major Platonov, Captain Evgeniya Firsova is faced with the reverse side of the \"System\" of law enforcement agencies. The best investigator in her department, she goes on the trail of the largest criminal organization within the OBEP, but turns out to be powerless in the face of chaos and unscrupulousness generated by Sistema. Investigating a series of contract killings of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Firsova does not compromise and finds herself at the epicenter of opposition from two law enforcement agencies. Not only her career, but also her life is at risk.
在调查上司普拉东诺夫少校的谋杀案时,叶夫根尼娅-菲尔索娃上尉遇到了执法 "系统 "的另一面。作为部门中最优秀的调查员,她开始追查 OBEP 内部最大的犯罪组织,却发现自己在 "系统 "产生的混乱和不择手段面前无能为力。在调查一系列针对内务部雇员的合同谋杀案时,菲尔索娃没有妥协,她发现自己处于两个权力结构对立的中心。不仅是她的事业,她的生命也岌岌可危。@游目骋观影
