

主演:Darius McCrary Clifton Powell Jamie Bernadette 

导演:Mann Robinson / 





Plot Summary:Sebastian (ac. AD 288) was an early Christian saint and martyr. He was killed during the Roman emperor Diocletian's persecution of Christians, initially being tied to a post or tree and shot with arrows, though this did not kill him. Irene of Rome would come to his rescue and nurture him back to health. Although he survived , Sebastian was later killed by his enemies. For centuries after this event, there has been a mass number of young women named Irene murdered and missing around the globe. Legend has it that Sebastian has been living among us disguised as a regular civilian named Augustus and is the murderous , revenging spirit that is reborn every 60 years because of the blood of Irene. The present day Irene is first charmed by his gentleman aurora and his world sophistication but then becomes put off from his aggression. Sebastian will not stop until he gets her blood. Or her love. Anyone that's gets in the way of his pursuit of Irene will be eliminated.
塞巴斯蒂安(Sebastian,公元 288 年)是一位早期基督教圣人和殉道者。他在罗马皇帝戴克里先迫害基督徒期间被杀,最初被绑在柱子或树上并被箭射杀,尽管这并没有杀死他。罗马的艾琳会来拯救他并培育他恢复健康。尽管他活了下来,但塞巴斯蒂安后来被敌人杀死了。此事件发生后的几个世纪里,全球范围内有大量名叫艾琳的年轻女性被谋杀和失踪。传说塞巴斯蒂安一直生活在我们中间,伪装成一个名叫奥古斯都的普通平民,他是一个凶残、复仇的灵魂,因为艾琳的鲜血而每六十年重生一次。如今的艾琳首先被他的绅士极光和他的世故复杂所迷住,但随后对他的侵略性感到厌烦。塞巴斯蒂安在得到她的血之前不会停止。或者她的爱。任何阻碍他追求艾琳的人都将被消灭。—曼·罗宾逊
