Plot Summary:Saeko suddenly loses her fiancé Yusuke in a traffic accident. As she tries to overcome her grief, she meets Naruse, a man who strangely reminds her of Yusuke. Little did she know that Naruse had received Yusuke's heart a few months prior to their encounter a heart still in love and holding all the memories of Yusuke and Saeko's relationship.
纱子(有村架纯 饰)的恋人雄介在向她求婚当日因交通事故去世,而成濑(坂口健太郎 饰)则成为了接受雄介心脏救助的对象,两位男女就因为这样的契机而展开了一段悲伤又唯美的奇迹爱情故事。