根据战争法 第一季По законам военного времени(2016)

主演:Екатерина Климова Евгений Воловенко Максим Дрозд Игорь Петрусенко 

导演:Максим Мехеда / Сергей Виноградов / Дмитрий Петрунь / 

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根据战争法 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:July 1941 The Nazis are eager for Kyiv. The situation in the city is heating up every day, which adds work to the best investigator of the Kyiv military prosecutor's office, Ivan Rokotov. From Moscow unexpectedly arrives Deputy Chief Military Prosecutor of the Red Army Nikolai Mirsky. He creates a special department in the military prosecutor's office of the front, which includes Rokotov and the former investigator of the Dnepropetrovsk UGRO Svetlana Elagina. Rokotov and Elagina will have to investigate particularly important cases, acting both at the front line, in the Kyiv fortified district, and in the city itself. Former high school student Rokotov and the fiery Komsomol Yelagina will have to go a hard way to overcome internal differences and become a unified team that can quickly and effectively respond to constant changes in the situation in the front-line city. Fighting shoulder to shoulder, both with overt and covert enemies, Ivan and Svetlana feel how their professional relationships are growing into something more. In true love, which is possible only a step away from imminent death.
1941 年 7 月 纳粹正急于攻占基辅。城市的局势每天都在升温,这给基辅军事检察院最出色的调查员伊万-罗科托夫(Ivan Rokotov)增加了很多工作。红军副总军事检察官尼古拉-米尔斯基意外地从莫斯科赶来。他在前线军事检察院设立了一个特别部门,其中包括罗科托夫和第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克市总检察长办公室前调查员斯韦特兰娜-叶拉金娜。罗科托夫和叶拉金娜将负责调查特别重要的案件,在前线、基辅防御工事区和城市本身都要采取行动。前高中生罗科托夫和火热的共青团员叶拉金娜必须经过艰苦的努力,克服内部分歧,成为一个团结的团队,能够快速有效地应对前线城市局势的不断变化。伊万和斯维特兰娜并肩作战,既要面对明里的敌人,也要面对暗地里的敌人,他们感受到了自己的职业关系是如何成长为更重要的东西的。在真爱中,只有距离死亡仅一步之遥才有可能。
