Conversaciones sobre el odio(2022)

又名:Conversations on Hatred / Räägime vihkamisest


主演:塞西莉亚·罗特 马里塞尔·阿尔瓦雷斯 

导演:Vera Fogwill / 

Conversaciones sobre el odio:在线播放

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Conversaciones sobre el odio:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Conversations on Hatred narrates in real-time the farewell between two ill women. In this intimate and deep conversation, they discuss their views on maternity, friendship, and their ways of dealing with the disease. Débora (Cecilia Roth) is a manipulative talent agent who gradually unleashes her rage on Déborah, a serious and intellectual actress (Maricel Álvarez). A manifesto against the discrimination of the so-called toxic people; against the idea that people getting sick is their own fault and that they can get better at will; against the selling marketing and the unreal consumption of happiness and well being. A film based on the Bechdel test (a method for measuring the gender gap in movies): two women, a conversation where no one speaks of men.
入围塔林电影节影评人之选竞赛。   A real-time story of a farewell between two terminally ill women. In this intimate and deep conversation, they discuss their views on maternity, friendship, and their ways of dealing with the disease. A brilliant conversation starts, which reminds us all of the best cinema had to offer in the past.
