

主演:古谷一行 谷隼人 冈田奈奈 

导演:手钱弘喜 / 





Plot Summary:Otoino Himeshiro (Ikko Hurutani), called \"Otohime\" is a gambler. He wears juzu abound his right list and is rumored to \"salvage with the right hand, kill with the left hand. He does both just for a kick.\" He was a son of a renowned doctor of the Naito family and was supposed to be a doctor as well. However, his parents and two brothers were killed by a robber, and he could not save his younger sister even though he took the operation by himself. People said this experience made him hate society and became a gambler. One day, Himeshiro saved Omitsu (Nana Okada) with a Ronin, Hyoma Odagiri (Hayato Tani) who keeps traveling to search for the person who killed his father when Omitsu was caught by men as a hostage. She asks Himeshiro and Hyoma to save her father, Yakuza of Kuwana, Choyano Takeyoshi who got injured on his foot by a competing family. They stay at Takeyoshi's house, but Takeyoshi, in fact, was the man who killed Hyoma's father.
