死地求生Ухожу красиво(2023)


主演:弗拉基米尔·雅格雷奇 玛丽亚·阿赫梅齐亚诺娃 阿里克谢·马卡罗夫 Fyodor Lavrov Nodar Dzhanelidze Aleksey Grishin 

导演:弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫 / 





Plot Summary:A strange metamorphosis took place with Boris Fadeev, the detective of the Moscow Region Department of Internal Affairs. He has problems with alcohol, depression and a difficult situation in the family. The quiet fighter with police papers, whose main task was to shift responsibility from himself to others and do nothing, is transformed beyond recognition. Now Boris energetically takes on the most dangerous cases, constantly putting his life in danger. Cut the wires on a bomb at random, break into a bank with armed robbers without body armor, detain a thief in law during a meeting? Easily. What makes a negligent opera man turn into a superhero and go on feats? What secret is the hero hiding from those closest to him?
莫斯科附近一个内务部的特工鲍里斯-法捷耶夫(Boris Fadeyev)身上发生了奇特的蜕变。他有酗酒、抑郁和家庭困难等问题。他曾是一名文静的战士,持有警察证件,主要任务是推卸责任,无所事事,但现在却发生了翻天覆地的变化。现在,鲍里斯精力充沛地处理最危险的案件,不断将自己的生命置于危险之中。随意剪断炸弹上的电线,不穿防弹衣闯入银行抢劫,在会议期间依法拘留小偷?很简单。是什么让一个玩忽职守的操作员摇身一变,成为超级英雄,大显身手?英雄对最亲近的人隐藏了什么秘密?
