Plot Summary:In 1960, Fidel Castro comes to America to speak at the UN. He is invited by Malcolm X to stay in Harlem at the famous Hotel Theresa. Unsure of his intentions, the FBI, CIA and the Mafia, attempt to eliminate him by any means necessary.
古巴革命胜利后不久,菲德尔·卡斯特罗前往纽约市,在联合国发表首次演讲。 他受马尔科姆·X邀请入住哈莱姆区著名的特蕾莎酒店。 在全世界的目光注视下,一名原本负责调查马尔科姆·X 的新任联邦调查局卧底特工突然成为联邦调查局最有价值的资产,并肩负着不惜一切代价阻止卡斯特罗被中央情报局和意大利黑手党消灭的任务。