莉莉丝的秘密Тайна Лилит(2021)


主演:亚历山大·弗拉索娃 Mikhail Pshenichnyy 亚历山大·达维多夫 Evgeniy Morozov Vladimir Dovzhik Aleksandr Filatov 

导演:Александр Баранов (II) / Егор Анашкин / 





Plot Summary:Lera Gorskaya, aka Lilith, is the star of the popular show. She has incredible abilities and easily solves the most difficult riddles. It is for this that the audience loves her, who unconditionally believe in Lilith's special gift. But the next task in the show turns into a terrible find: in an abandoned well, Lera finds the body of a murdered girl - a student of Professor Molochniy. No one expected such a turn, not even the host of the show himself. The police, led by Captain Roshchin, begin an investigation, and Lera becomes involved in the search for the criminal.
莱拉-戈尔斯卡娅,又名莉莉丝,是一档热门节目的明星。她拥有不可思议的能力,能轻松解开最难的谜语。因此,她深受观众喜爱,观众无条件地相信莉莉丝的特殊天赋。   但节目的下一个任务却是一个可怕的发现,在一口废弃的井里,莉拉发现了一具被谋杀女孩的尸体:她是莫洛奇尼教授的学生。   谁也没想到会发生这样的变故,就连节目主持人也没有想到。以罗斯钦上尉为首的警察开始调查,而莱拉发现自己也被卷入了寻找凶手的行动中。她推断出了凶手,但凶手并没有轻易放弃。他暗示自己知道莉莉丝的主要秘密,并迫使莱拉进入一个危险的游戏....
