米歇尔·威扬,勒芒的梦想Michel Vaillant, le rêve du Mans(2018)



导演:Frédéric de Brabant / 





Plot Summary:Michel Vaillant-A dream of Le Mans, tells the story of a dream. The dream of a 13 years old boy riding a motorcycle behind his father to attend the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Created by Jean Graton in 1957, Michel Vaillant made several generations dream and introduced motor sport, to a wider audience. The 24 Hours of Le Mans is the most legendary race in motorsport. There is a strong bond between Michel Vaillant and Le Mans. In 2017, these two legends meet. The fiction become reality. As in the comic book, two Vaillante take the start of Le Mans' 85th edition, and will challenge the biggest teams. From the origins of the extraordinary journey of a dreamer to the epic challenge of the Vaillante Rebellion racing team, let's discover How far can a child's dream lead?
米歇尔·威扬——勒芒的梦想,讲述了一个梦想的故事。一个 13 岁男孩骑着摩托车跟在父亲身后参加勒芒 24 小时耐力赛的梦想。Michel Vaillant 由 Jean Graton 于 1957 年创立,让几代人梦想成真,并将赛车运动介绍给更广泛的受众。勒芒 24 小时耐力赛是赛车运动中最具传奇色彩的比赛。米歇尔·威扬(Michel Vaillant)和勒芒之间有着紧密的联系。2017年,这两位传奇人物相遇。虚构成为现实。与漫画书中一样,两辆威兰特参加了第 85 届勒芒比赛,并将挑战最大的车队。从梦想家非凡旅程的起源,到Vaillante Rebellion赛车队的史诗般的挑战,让我们一起来发现一个孩子的梦想能走多远?
