Plot Summary:In the urban jungle of Buenos Aires, Cichonga is the toughest bad ass around, until his nemesis steals his beer - the secret to his might and superhuman strength. Cichonga will have to pummel his way through to recover what is his.
In the urban jungle of Buenos Aires, Cichonga is the toughest bad ass around, until his nemesis steals his beer - the secret to his might and superhuman strength. Cichonga will have to pummel his way through to recover what is his. 在布宜诺斯艾利斯的城市丛林中,Cichonga 是周围最强硬的坏蛋,直到他的克星偷走了他的啤酒——这是他强大和超人力量的秘密。Cichonga 将不得不奋力前行,才能夺回属于他的东西。