



Plot Summary:In the past, the Soviet prima ballerina, and now a world-famous choreographer Ruta Meyers returns to her homeland after almost 40 years. She plans to stage a performance for the most renowned ballet theater of the country. Ruta is forced to re-build relationships with friends and enemies, who have gained power in Russian ballet industry, but most importantly - with the theater's artistic director Andrey Pronin and his family. Once they were a couple, and now old feelings flare up with renewed strength. Big money, ambitions, careers are at stake - Ruta, despite all her efforts, finds herself at the epicenter of passions and intrigues that are very far from art.
前苏联首席芭蕾舞演员、现国际知名编舞家露塔-迈尔斯时隔近 40 年后重返俄罗斯,应俄罗斯主要芭蕾舞剧院新任院长的邀请,在该剧院上演一部原创现代作品。露塔不得不重建与朋友和敌人的关系,这些人随着时间的推移已成为俄罗斯芭蕾舞界的关键人物,但最重要的是与剧院艺术总监安德烈-普罗宁及其家人的关系。他们曾经是一对恋人,如今旧情复燃,旧怨重燃。金钱、野心、事业,这一切都岌岌可危。露塔试图消除内心的疑虑,远离剧院的明争暗斗,但尽管她竭尽全力,却发现自己身处情欲与阴谋的中心,而这一切都与艺术相去甚远。
