
主演:倪妮 闫妮 刘雅瑟 董洁 

导演:杨阳 / 





Plot Summary:A random name. A stolen name. A name that doesn't belong to her. A name I dare not mention again. A name that is never forgotten. Ren Xiaoming has always hated her own name, but no matter how much she hates it, it is proof of her existence in this world and a prerequisite for her to become herself. She wanted to get her stolen name back. This name not only belongs to her, but also to many people. Those invisible names were lost in the fireworks of firewood, rice, oil and salt, in the critical criticism, and in the long and difficult years, they lost their identity. But there are always people who remember them, and there are always people who continue to follow in their footsteps until their names are seen by everyone. A story about the struggle and redemption of two generations of women.
改编自豆瓣阅读作者易难的同名小说。   一个随意的名字。 一个被偷走的名字。 一个不属于她的名字。 一个不敢再提起的名字。 一个从不曾被忘记的名字。 任小名一直很讨厌自己的名字,但即使再讨厌,那也是她在这个世界上存在的证明,是她成为她自己的前提。 她要把被偷走的名字抢回来。这个名字不仅仅属于她自己,也属于很多人。 那些隐身的名字,湮没在柴米油盐的烟火里,品头论足的批评里,漫长难熬的岁月里,失去了身份。但总有人记得她们,也总有人沿着她们的脚步继续走下去,直到她们的名字被所有人看见。 一个关于两代女性的挣扎与救赎的故事。
