

主演:Bholaraj Sapkota 

导演:Kamal Ekchai Magar / 





Plot Summary:Desan is a Nepali feature film based on the story of a social epidemic, it portrays family love, trust, betrayal and revenge.\n\n Desan (The Epidemic) is a purely social story. \"Desan\" literally means epidemic disease like Corona, Cholera, Cholera, Diarrhea, so this film is based on social epidemic. Desan is a phenomenon that we are seeing in our own society or we can say it is happening around the world. With the development of technology, its positive side is so much that even the impossible has been made possible by science. We are able to talk to people anywhere in the world and exchange information around the world with a handheld mobile phone sitting at home. Within these positivities there is also a negative/dark side too which touched me. During the middle of the shooting, covid 19 hit really hard. Due to its widespread , a nationwide lockdown was also announced in Nepal. We got confused and had to stop shooting and go back to our homes. On the one hand, the pain of having to leave the film in the middle, on the other hand, the worry of pandemic. As soon as the lockdown was eased, we tried resuming the shooting again, but the local authorities used to turn us away due to the fear of the spread of covid in the community. With so many pains and sufferings, we managed to finish the shoot in the fifth/sixth schedule, safe and sound.The misuse of social media, has put negative impact on personal privacy and in the society. So in this film, an attempt has been made to portray the problem that is spreading in the society due to the misuse of social media.
