两个月亮和一棵橄榄树Qamarayn wa zaytouna(2002)

又名:Two Moons and an Olive Tree


主演:Norman Asa'ad Hayyan Daoud Assaad Feddah 

导演:Abdellatif Abdelhamid / 





Plot Summary:The film's story revolves around a child who has psychological problems (Adel), and the head of the family is disabled due to a severe injury he suffered in the Palestine War, so he became a seat and was unable even to perform his marital duties so that the wife continues to suffer from a double disadvantage, as she began bearing the burdens of raising her children, and assumed responsibility for the home In her entire role, she also plays the role of the father, and brings out unfamiliar forms of cruelty coated with a kind of maternal love that she cannot curb while shaving her son who sucks his thumb, plucking his hair, and her daughter (Amira) is punished by shaving her head also because she colluded with her brother. It's a story of innocence and friendship between Adel and Saeed who falls in love with his best friend's sister.
影片的故事围绕着一个有心理问题的孩子(阿德尔)展开,而一家之主因在巴勒斯坦战争中受重伤而致残,所以他成了一个座上客,甚至无法履行自己的婚姻职责,这样妻子就继续承受着双重的不利,因为她开始承担起抚养孩子的重担、 在她的整个角色中,她还扮演着父亲的角色,在为吮吸拇指的儿子剃光头、拔掉头发的同时,她还带着一种无法抑制的母爱,带着陌生的残忍形式,而她的女儿(阿米拉)也因为与哥哥串通一气而受到剃光头的惩罚。这是一个关于阿德尔和赛义德之间纯真友谊的故事,赛义德爱上了他最好朋友的妹妹。
