Plot Summary:Suhail, a young Emirati boy with Autism, flees to live in the Fujairah mountains after his father shuns him, not understanding his determination. Pinned with the confusing sadness that his mother died in childbirth with him, Suhail's perspective of the world is more nuanced - he is at one with nature, understands empathy, and has a kindness that infiltrates those who engage with him. Adamant to find his mother's family in Abu Dhabi, Suhail makes the epic journey, with his new friend Barakah, an Arabian Saluki, to find acceptance, family, and redemption.
苏海尔是一个患有自闭症的小男孩,独自生活在富查伊拉山区,与大自然融为一体,远离不理解他的父亲。一个女孩在暴风雨中迷失了方向,她遇到了苏海尔,从此他们的故事开始了。为了找到在阿布扎比的娘家人,小男孩和他的狗——一只阿拉伯萨路基犬——开始了一段史诗般的勇敢旅程,一路上结识了新朋友,也教会了其他人关于同情心和自然世界的知识。阿联酋电影制片人扎伊娜卜·沙欣(Zainab Shaheen)与患有自闭症的年轻演员纳赛尔·艾尔·梅萨比(Naser Al Messabi)密切合作,饰演了这个令人难忘的英雄角色,他对我们所有人都有很多启发。本片改编自儿童读物《识山男孩》三部曲,以阿拉伯联合酋长国迷人的自然景观和文化为背景,讲述了一段家庭冒险故事。