Who Flew First: Challenging The Wright Brothers(2016)

又名:Pioniere am Himmel – Das Rätsel um den ersten Flug / La conquête du ciel, l'énigme du premier vol motorisé / First Flight: Conquest of the Skies


主演:Ron Arthurs Nicholas Di Nardo Talei Howell-Price Kingsley Judd George William O'Doherty 

导演:Tilman Remme / 

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Who Flew First: Challenging The Wright Brothers:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Officially, the Wright Brothers flew first in 1903. But the Australian aviation expert John Brown argues that German born Gustave Whitehead flew in Connecticut in 1901. To display the Wright flyer, the Smithsonian Museum agreed that it will never claim that anyone flew before the Wrights. History may not be as certain as we thought.
