九顶假发的女孩Heute bin ich blond(2013)

又名:9顶假发的女孩(台) / Das Mädchen mit den neun Perücken


主演:丽莎·托马舍夫斯基 卡罗莉内·特斯卡 大卫·罗特 爱丽丝·德维尔 彼得·普拉格 杰拉德·亚历山大·海德 雅斯明·格拉特 

导演:马克·罗特蒙德 / 编剧:1340092/Sophie van der Stap



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 The Girl With Nine Wigs 2013 1080p BluRay x264-ENC



Plot Summary:At the age of 21, fun-loving student Sophie finds out that she has cancer. Instead of letting the disease rule her life, she decides to enjoy it the way she would without the disease - by going to parties, flirting and having sexual relations. During chemotherapy, she decides to shave her slowly shedding hair, and finds comfort in using nine wigs, each of which helps her live out nine different sides of herself. Together with her best friend Annabel, Sophie goes from club to club, falls in love with her long-time friend Rob and writes daily posts on her blog. In this way she tries to escape from the dreary and tedious hospital routine and find new courage in life.
影片改编自荷兰创畅销小说,讲述了癌症患者苏菲·史戴普勇敢面对病魔,用九顶假发体验九种不同的精彩人生的故事。苏菲(Sophie van der Stap)1983年出生于阿姆斯特丹,因热爱旅行,决定攻读国际政治学系。于2005年初,被诊断出罹患罕见的癌症──横纹肌肉瘤──她的肺部充满大大小小的肿瘤。除了化疗,还得接受放射治疗。为了记录这段岁月,苏菲开始在部落格上分享自己的抗癌点滴。
