如果我告白的话내가 고백을 하면(2012)

又名:若我告白 / 暖冬 / The Winter of the Year was Warm


主演:金太祐 艺智苑 

导演:曹圣奎 / 编剧:曹圣奎 David Cho





Plot Summary:A filmmaker goes out to the countryside to get some rest every weekend while a nurse travels into Seoul during the same period to enjoy some culture. details the process of how and when they meet and become close. It's an entertaining story, and the dynamism formed by the characters, brought to life by Kim Tae-woo and Yea Ji-won, is equally entertaining. Although more emotional, romantic and positive, it recalls the films of Hong Sangsoo in its detailed descriptions of daily life and loose, episodic structure. The performances are unmannered, giving us the feeling we're casually watching lives unfold. And there's a self-reflective element to the film as well, one that reflects reality. The main character, the film director, is the alter ego of director Cho Sung-kyu, and the inside this film, , is his debut feature film. The cinema the nurse visits is SpongehouseKwanghwamoon, which director Cho currently administers. Is Hong's signature style a tonic in the context of this film, or a ...
女护士热爱城市文化,为逃离日常烦忧,每周末远赴首尔看电影;男导演厌倦都会繁华,总爱到江陵享受海边小镇的悠闲风光。经常往返两地的陌生男女,终于决定一到周末就交换公寓。   春去秋来,两名异乡人总在相同的咖啡店和美食地图里错身而过,原来,他们早就渗入彼此的生命中;爱情,只差一句浪漫告白……全片以巧妙的空间配置对照两人,诉说看似迥异的灵魂,或许根本注定契合。
