白色:诅咒的旋律화이트: 저주의 멜로디(2011)

又名:White: The Melody of the Curse


主演:咸恩静 Maydoni Choi Ah-ra 黄雨瑟惠 

导演:金曲 / 金宣 / 编剧:金曲 Gok Kim/金宣 Sun Kim




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 白色 诅咒的旋律 White The Melody Of The Curse 2011 190460
2019-05-12 白色 诅咒的旋律 White The Melody Of The Curse 2011 190460


Plot Summary:Girl group "Pink Dolls" is always pushed into the background by other popular idols. When the girls release their new song "White" - a remake from unknown origins they become instant sensations. The four members of "Pink Dolls" include Eun-Joo, a former break dancer, Je-ni, a singer insecure with hitting high notes, Ah-Rang, a singer addicted to plastic surgery, and Sin-Ji who can't sing, but is good at rapping and singing. As the group becomes more and more popular, jealousy and competitiveness increases as all the girls tries to become the lead singer. But, when a member becomes the lead singer that person falls victim to a horrible accident, one by one. Eun-Joo then realizes that the song "White" is cursed and she attempts to reveal the secret ...
与当红偶像团体Pure比起来,同为少女组合的Pink Dolls前景一片黯淡,不仅积分垫底,同时还面临着解散的命运。此外,该团体内部也是矛盾重重。领队银珠(咸恩静 饰)出身伴舞,加上年龄稍长,颇为珍妮(陈世妍 饰)、阿琅(崔雅拉 饰)、申智(金美达妮 饰)其他3名成员所不屑。某天,Pink Dolls搬到新的练舞室,银珠偶然在玻璃墙后发现一盒题为“White”的音乐录影带,她为屏幕上那模糊的舞蹈与歌声所感染,而Pink Dolls的老板也从中隐隐感到《White》的魅力,于是将其作为银珠等人的新曲推广。   最终,Pink Dolls凭借《White》以及极具魅惑力的舞蹈实现败部大复活,名气也迅速窜升。然而在这一过程中,Pink Dolls的成员仿佛陷入莫名的诅咒之中……
